Szukaj wyników

Znaleźliśmy 101 freelancerów.

Programista aplikacji web | CGI Artist

5 lat doświadczenia jako: - CGI Artist - 3ds Max, AutoCAD, Blender. Praca jako freelancer, czasem w zespołach. - Fullstack Developer (PHP, React, Next.js, Laravel, Node.js, Python, Django,...

Shymkent, Kazachstan

3D graphics 5 PHP 3 Laravel 3 Python 3 Django (Framework) 3 mySQL 3 PostgreSQL 2 JavaScript 4 React (JavaScript library) 4 NextJS 3

Frontend Developer

I am a junior front-end developer with experience in building responsive web applications using React, TypeScript, and SCSS. I have worked on e-commerce projects, integrating APIs and managing state...

Lublin, Polska

TypeScript 1 HTML5 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 JavaScript 2 React (JavaScript library) 1 Bootstrap5.3 2 Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass) 2 RestFull APi 1 Responsive Web design 2

Front-end developer

I work as a front-end developer. I'm looking for interesting projects

Wrocław, Polska

React 1

Full Stack Developer MERN

Young and ambitious 19 y.o. full stack developer with over a year of experience in creating web applications. Specializing in development using MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack....

Warszawa, Polska

TypeScript 1 HTML5 2 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 2 JavaScript 2 Node.js 1 MongoDB 1 Next.js 1 React (JavaScript library) 1 React Native 1 NestJS 1

Kraków, Polska

JavaScript 7

Kruszyn Krajeński, Polska

TypeScript 1 React (JavaScript library) 2 Node.js 2 HTML5 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 MongoDB 2 React Native 1

Senior Frontend Developer

I'm a Senior Frontend Developer with more than 10 years of experience in web development. My main stack is React / Redux/ Redux Saga but I also have a lot of experience with Angular 2+ / RxJs /...

Kraków, Polska

TypeScript 5 React (JavaScript library) 4 Angular 4 JavaScript 5 HTML 10 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 10 Representational State Transfer (REST) 10

Junior FullStack Developer

I have expanded my skills by working with technologies such as Java, AngularJS, Docker, AWS, and TypeScript. I also get experience with various other technologies including OAuth0, test-driven...

Nowa Sarzyna, Polska

Java 5 Angular 3 JavaScript 5

Architekt IT, konsultant techniczny, programista

Programista, architekt systemów oraz konsultant techniczny z Gdańska. W branży IT od 2010 roku. Pierwsze doświadczenia w roli programisty zdobywałem w software house'ach. W latach 2013-2018...

Gdańsk, Polska

.Net 12 JavaScript 14 Microsoft Azure 5 React (JavaScript library) 8 SQL 8 UML 8 Architektura 6 Continuous Delivery (CDE) 6 Projektowanie interaktywne 6 Technologia eventowa 5

Front-end Developer

Młoda, bardzo zmotywowana i ambitna Front-end developerka. Zaangażowana w studiowanie i rozwijanie stron internetowych o różnym stopniu skomplikowania. Dąży do włączania najnowszych technologii do...

Wroclaw, Polska

TypeScript 1 React JS 1 HTML5 2 CSS 2 Redux Toolkit 1 Strapi CMS 1