Wszystkie profile freelancerów
Szukaj wyników
Znaleźliśmy 31 freelancerów.
Microsoft Azure 4 Microsoft Power BI 4 SQL 4 Big data 4 Analiza biznesowa 4
Analityk Biznesowy / Business Analyst
Od 6 lat zajmuję się zbieraniem i przetwarzaniem wymagań w procesach wytwarzania oprogramowania. Zajmuję się analizą biznesową w sposób kompleksowy: od warsztatów z interesariuszami, przez ocenę...
Microsoft Azure 2 Analiza biznesowa 6 Analiza systemu 6 BPMN 5 UML 3 TOGAF 1 Salesforce 1 ETL 1 SQL 2 Modelowanie procesów 4
Power Platform Developer
Skill Set Power Platform: Microsoft Power Apps (Canvas Apps, Model-Driven Apps), Dataverse, D365 Customization and Configuration, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, Power BI Azure: Azure...
Microsoft Azure 4 DevOps 4 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 6 Microsoft SharePoint Server 3 Power Platform 6 Canvas Apps 6 Model Driven Apps 6 Power Pages 6 Power Automate 6 JavaScript 9
Fullstack Developer
Experience in phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes User Interaction, Business Analysis/Modeling, Design, Development, Integration, Planning and management of Builds,...
Microsoft Azure 1 Java, 15 Microservice 5 Spring 7 Cloud 3 J2EE (Java EE) 15 AngularJS 1 React (JavaScript library) 1 SAP BTP 1 DevOps 5
Architekt IT, konsultant techniczny, programista
Programista, architekt systemów oraz konsultant techniczny z Gdańska. W branży IT od 2010 roku. Pierwsze doświadczenia w roli programisty zdobywałem w software house'ach. W latach 2013-2018...
Microsoft Azure 5 .Net 12 JavaScript 14 React (JavaScript library) 8 SQL 8 UML 8 Architektura 6 Continuous Delivery (CDE) 6 Projektowanie interaktywne 6 Technologia eventowa 5
AI Specialist
I was working on Java and other web application things since last few years, now i would like to learn more about AI and other technology. So during my learning i would like to implement some stuff....
Microsoft Azure 5 Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 6 Spring 7 Hibernate (Java) 6 PostgreSQL 4 Java Message Service (JMS) 3 Python 2 J2EE (Java EE) 5 JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) 5
I've been working with recruiting people for 6 months, I help people find work more easily, I always recommended work to people and it always worked out, I thought it would be the best thing to do to...
Microsoft Azure 1 SAP AC 1 Autodesk AutoCAD 2 CorelDraw 2
Software QA Specialist
I am a young, energetic person with great determination and passion for a healthy lifestyle. My workouts not only help me get stronger physically, but also provide me with a boost of mental stamina...
Microsoft Azure 1 SQL 1 Python 1 Microsoft Office 365 4
M365 Architect & Team Lead & Developer | Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, Power Platform, SharePoint
An experienced team leader and software architect with over 13 years of experience in commercial software development utilizing the Microsoft technology stack. Have been engaged in all facets of the...
Microsoft Azure 8 Serwer Microsoft SharePoint 13 React (JavaScript library) 5 TypeScript 5 JavaScript 13 C# 13 .Net Framework (Microsoft) 13 SQL 13
Data Science Practicioner
I'm very productive an eager to work with any Data you have! I specialize in Python for Data Science using all most popular frameworks in python - Numpy, Pandas, Tensorflow, PyTorch, PySpark etc.
Microsoft Azure 2 Python 2 SQL 2 Big data 2 Pandas DataFrame 2 Apache Spark 2