Szukaj wyników
Znaleźliśmy 325 freelancerów. dla kategorii Java
java 1 SEO / SEM 1 Wbudowany system Linux 1
C++, Java, PLC 6
Java, C++, Python, CSS, HTML, JavaScript 5
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 14 Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 15
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 5
Java 1
Java 5 Excel 5 MS Office (user know-how) 5
Junior FullStack Developer
I have expanded my skills by working with technologies such as Java, AngularJS, Docker, AWS, and TypeScript. I also get experience with various other technologies including OAuth0, test-driven...
Java 5 Angular 3 JavaScript 5
Software Developer
I am perfectly suited for the role of mobile JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Kotlin developer due to my expertise in these technologies, proficiency in Kotlin for mobile app development, problem-solving...
Java, Kotlin, SQL, NodeJS 2